In recent years, many Alberta communities have received little precipitation and experience above average temperatures that have led to drought conditions. Water is a necessity for resident's daily life and agriculture businesses, and during times of drought, water can be in limited supply. With the possibility of another drought for the upcoming season, Albertans should prepare to manage and monitor their water supply for effective use.
Municipalities also play a role in water management during drought as they are responsible for water supply and distribution to communities, develop community-wide water shortage response plans which may include voluntary or mandatory water restrictions, and declare agricultural disasters when crops are impacted by drought.
The Government of Alberta monitors snowpack accumulation, precipitation patterns, river levels and other key data used to understand drought conditions. Drought conditions are caused by a depletion in the availability of water over a large physical area for an extended period of time. These conditions can be caused by below average levels of precipitation, river flow and ground water. A drought can last weeks to months, and extended periods can lead to multi-year droughts if the region is not getting enough moisture consistently.
A list of support services and other resources are listed below.
Questions? Contact Agriculture Services for more information.
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:15am to 4:30pm (closed noon to 1pm)
Phone: 780-584-3866
Toll-Free: 1-866-584-3866
Drought Conditions and Mapping
Agriculture Supports and Resources
Provincial and Federal Drought-relief supports available for producers
Range and Pasture Management When Dealing with Drought
Beef Cattle Research Council – Managing Pasture During and After Drought
Grazing Management For Riparian Health