What is a Land Use Bylaw?
A Land Use Bylaw is a set of regulations which controls development by categorizing all properties in a municipality into various land use districts. It prescribes how land and buildings can be used in those districts and establishes a system for issuing development permits.
Why do we need a Land Use Bylaw?
A Land Use Bylaw is a tool to help ensure that ongoing development in a community aligns with the community's overall vision and to ensure the safety and quality-of-life of the residents. Alberta’s Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires all municipalities to have a Land Use Bylaw. The MGA provides guidance on the structure of Land Use Bylaws, but individual municipalities must create and administer their own documents.
Current Bylaw
The current Land Use Bylaw 490/17 was approved in 2017 and has been amended to allow for development outside of its parameters. View the document here.
Why is Woodland County updating its bylaw?
We need a land use bylaw that meets the needs of our municipality, its residents, and the business owners/community for the years to come.
The County has completed an update to our Municipal Development Plan (MDP), and the Land Use Bylaw needs to be revised to align with the overarching direction of the MDP, other policies, and legislation.
The County would like to make this bylaw consistent with our needs and the new MDP while making it easier to understand for our current and future ratepayers. At the same time, we want to review the existing bylaw to identify what’s working and what’s not.
What is the role of community members in this project?
Participation by Woodlands County ratepayers, residents and business owners is encouraged and plays an important role in developing a Land Use Bylaw!
We are planning multiple engagement opportunities over the course of the project to support transparency and seek assistance to identify local land use and development needs, concerns, and to confirm that the direction presented by administration reflects the needs of the community.
Open houses will take place:
October 8 - 5:00-7:00pm - Fort Assiniboine Legion Hall
October 9 - 5:00-7:00pm – Woodlands County Municipal Office
October 10 - 5:00-7:00pm – Anselmo Community Hall
Information from the sessions can be found HERE.
If you were unable to attend any of the information sessions on June 18-20, 2024, the information posters can be found HERE.
If you were unable to attend any of the information sessions on October 8-10, 2024, the information posters can be found HERE.
Will Woodlands County turn into a 15-minute community?
No, 15-minute cities is an urban planning concept. Woodlands County will not be utilizing these urban planning practices in our rural communities.