County Roads Snow Removal and Ice Control Operations
Woodlands County provides maintenance for roads throughout the County with the exception of provincial highways (43, 32, 33, 647, 658, 661, 751). If residents have concerns regarding provincial highway maintenance, please call Ledcor Highways Ltd. at 1-866-453-3267 (1-866-4LEDCOR).
On County roads, snow removal will start when there is:
- 7.5 cm of snow on gravel roads; or
- 2.5 cm of snow on paved roads.
The County will make reasonable effort to clear all roadways within 96 hours of a snow fall ending. In cases where there are consecutive snowstorms, crews will plow roads on a rotating basis until all are cleared. Sidewalks in the hamlets of Blue Ridge and Fort Assiniboine will be cleared within 48 hours of a snowstorm ending.
Graders and plow trucks will feather out snow as they pass approaches to prevent the formation of a windrow. When a windrow of 15 cm or greater is present, approaches will be cleared immediately prior to proceeding.
Plowing of driveways and special requests will commence only when plowing of all roadways, approaches and turnarounds have been completed. With the exception in case of emergencies, crews will clear driveways to allow school bus drivers to access the closest roadway or to allow persons with medical conditions and/or persons with disabilities to exit their property.
Crews apply sand and salt on all paved surfaces when necessary and gravel roads are not normally sanded. Icy hills and intersections will be chipped or graveled when required.
Throughout the winter period, motorists are asked to plan ahead and drive according to conditions. When they see or pass a snow plow or grader equipment working, motorists are also asked to keep a safe distance from the equipment to allow for the safe and efficient snow removal and ice control operations. For questions or feedback regarding the snow removal and ice control operations, reach out to the County administration office at 780-778-8400, instead of stopping crews while performing winter operations.
Snowplow Flags
All residents requesting snowplow services on their driveways are required to purchase a snowplow flag. The cost of a flag is $50 plus GST per 300 meters of driveway, or portion thereof, requiring plowing. Woodlands County will provide up to three snowplow flags per year per residence for senior citizens, low-income residents and residents with disabilities for free. Residents cannot have access to more than three snowplow flags at a time.
When a resident wants their driveway cleared, they will be required to place the snowplow flag in a visible location adjacent to the driveway. Upon completion of plowing the driveway, the grader operator will collect the snowplow flag.
All residents requesting snow removal are required to complete a snowplow waiver form. The forms are available at both the Main Office in Whitecourt or the Regional Municipal Office in Fort Assiniboine, or online at the links below.
Hamlet Sidewalks
We ask hamlet residents to please remove any foreign objects, such as extension cords that would obstruct the sidewalk for the safety of staff, equipment, vehicles and pedestrians.
County Policies
Snow removal in the County is guided by the following policies: