Woodlands County prevents the spread of prohibited noxious and noxious weeds as defined by the Weed Control Act, Weed Designation Regulation (Alberta Regulation 19/2010) and as may be amended by local bylaw or ministerial order.
Policy 6309 - Vegetation Management outlines the process and procedures used to control prohibited noxious and noxious weeds on local road right-of-ways and private land. Landowners who wish to maintain road right-of-ways adjacent to their property must complete a No Spray Agreement. The agreement can be found HERE.
The following are the prohibited noxious and noxious weeds as currently defined under the Weed Control Act.
Learn more about weeds through Alberta Invasive Species Council.
Policy 6318 Tall Buttercup/Ox Eye Daisy Control Program
Tall Buttercup/Ox Eye Daisy Information Package
Fact Sheet Giant Hogweed with Cow Parsnip
Learn More Stem-Mining Weevil of Canada Thistle
Prohibited NoxiousProhibited noxious species with demonstrated detrimental effects in other provinces or states but not established in Alberta. The objective is to prevent the establishment of prohibited noxious weeds in Alberta.
| Noxious WeedsNoxious weeds are widely spread but can still pose significant economic hardship once established. The objective is to protect those who do not have these weeds from infestation.
Contact Agriculture Services for more information.
Phone: 780-584-3866
Toll-Free: 1-866-584-3866
Email: agservices@woodlands.ab.ca