Patrol Services
Woodlands County partners with Lac Ste. Anne County Enforcement Services Department and is responsible for the enforcement of municipal bylaws and responds to complaints under several provincial statutes which are, but not limited to:
- Traffic Safety Act
- Off-Highway Vehicles Act
- Gaming & Liquor Act
- Petty Trespass Act
Lac Ste. Anne County Patrol Services
Direct Line: 780-785-3630
Office Line: 1-866-880-5722
*follow voice prompts to reach the appropriate member for support
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police provide enforcement in Woodlands County.
Different areas of the County are enforced by various RCMP detachments.
Whitecourt RCMP Detachment
Administration: 780-778-2238
Complaints: 780-778-5454
Mayerthorpe RCMP Detachment
Administration: 780-786-2291
Complaints: 780-786-2800
Barrhead RCMP Detachment
Administration: 780-674-4848
Complaints: 780-674-2696
Fox Creek RCMP Detachment
Administration: 780-622-3740
Complaints: 780-622-3580
Swan Hills RCMP Detachment
General: 780-333-4459
Emergency Relief Assistance for a Catastrophic Event
Woodlands County offers a one-time $1,000 emergency relief payment for residents that experience a catastrophic event. A catastrophic event is considered an event that typically affects one property and includes house fire, landslide or such disaster that causes total loss or causes uninhabitable conditions to the residence and/or total loss of a person’s personal belongings. Ineligible catastrophic events, include overland flooding, weather events, and wildfires, in which provincial or federal financial assistance maybe provided for uninsurable loss and damage caused by such disasters.
To be eligible for assistance, the applicant must have current taxes paid and be in good standing with the municipality and not received other financial assistance from the County (ie: vouchers for accommodation or food, as a result of evacuation).
One application per primary resident, whether that is the property owner or lessee, per lifetime. Applications must be submitted within 72 hours of the catastrophic event.
Learn more: Policy 6204 - Emergency Relief Assistance for A Catastrophic Event
Contact Protective Services for more information.
Phone: 780-778-8400
Toll-Free: 1-888-870-6315