Youth Enrichment Subsidy (YES) Program
The Youth Enrichment Subsidy (YES) is provided to Woodlands County youths who aren't able to afford to attend recreation, sports, arts or culture programs.
Youth from ages 4 - 18 are eligible for a maximum of $600 per year which could be used for multiple programs.
Youth must be a resident of Woodlands County. Applications must be made in advance of programming start. A copy of the Tax Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency for the current year must be provided along with the application.
Funding will not be issued to individuals. Cheques will be made to the service provider, organization, or school on the applicant's behalf. Rental equipment will be assessed on an as needed basis.
Funding for the Youth Enrichment Subsidy will be taken in throughout the year on a first come first serve basis.
Learn more: Policy 5103 - Youth Enrichment Subsidy (YES) Program
Apply: Youth Enrichment Subsidy (YES) Application
Contact Community Services for more information.
Phone: 780-778-8400