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Regional Landfill

Whitecourt Regional Landfill

Located 17 kilometres east of Whitecourt on Highway 43

Summer Hours
April 1 to September 30
Winter Hours
October 1 to March 31
Monday to Thursday9 am to 5:30 pm
Monday to Saturday9 am to 4:30 pm
Friday & Saturday9 am to 4:30 pm

*Closed Sundays and Statutory Holidays

Fee Schedule

Whitecourt Regional Landfill Fee Schedule

Tire Recycling

Tires are accepted for recycling at the Whitecourt Regional Landfill.

Oil, Oil Containers and Filters

The Whitecourt Regional Landfill accepts used oil and filters, emptied DEF and oil containers up to 20 litres.


Electronic Recycling
Expanded Program - Launched Fall 2020

The Regional Landfill Authority is participating in an expanded electronic recycling pilot program. In addition to electronic material, batteries, and fluorescent lights that were accepted previously, over 600 new items are now being accepted. 

TelevisionsPrintersCD Players
Desktop ComputersCablesSmall Home Appliances
Telephones/ Cell PhonesLaptopsSpeakers
Fax/ CopiersKeyboardsPagers
Audio Video Equipment (DVD, VCR)Power ToolsGaming Equipment
Solar PanelsMusical InstrumentsToys w/ Batteries or Power Cords

Household batteries can be recycled at the following commercial locations:

  • Staples - 4223 52 Avenue, Whitecourt, AB